Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Love, First Pain

24  Write about pain – either physical or emotional. Or write about how it feels to live without pain. For all the Rise and Link visit the page.Pain is on my mind-too much in fact.  Each morning as I coax my muscles back to work, Each shift of my knee, the movements of my wrists, and the sharp, stabbing feeling in my lower back are the physical pain that will be with me for life, managed better some days than others.  To me it is getting dull, and while have mentioned it here, I don;t want to consume my prompt with it. I will explore the emotional  interpretation of pain, and try again as a poem.  Thank you for the feedback Justin and Natalia.

News arrived today
the letter in the mailbox
sealed life without you

No phone call would do
your letter started to say
to share your new life

You would not be back-
new life over the ocean-
you could not come back

You said, "This is home.
I've found my place in the sun.
My life will be here."

"I know we had plans,
of love and home and children.
That image scares me.

"I am still to young.
Time is now to laugh and learn
my true place on earth."

"I'll love you always.
Keep holding my heart in your heart.
As I do as well.

"You are my first love,
but we both need to see more.
experience more."

Tear drops smeared the print.
The letter closed with these words,
"Come visit sometime."

She would not visit.
Her heart holding his was breaking
pain spreading through veins.

He left her alone
to sweep their life plans to trash.
Her life was over.

Soft arms around her,
a gentle hand soothing hair,
her moms love was there.

" I know you're hurting,
the pain you're feeling is real."
her mother told her.

"Let the pain fill you.
sometimes you need to be full,
then pour out, start new."

Mom had a first love,
she still holds his heart in hers,
but found a new life.

A life with her child
who she now held so closely,
a life with such love.

She hurt for her child,
though knew it would fade in time,
if not go away.

Pain is part of love.
But life is like a garden.
More love can be grown.


  1. I truly believe that "more love can be grown" - yes, it's our choice and capability! Though it doesn't seem like it when we hurt...

    I am sorry to hear that you live with pain every day, Sam, and wishing you a relief from it as soon as possible. And I am very glad that you keep experimenting with poetry! You are finding your rhythms. This feels almost like a ballad to me.

    1. What is challenging is finding the rhythm, and saying more, but with fewer words. I'm using the haiku 5-7-5 pattern for the verses. I like the "no rules" but this gives me some discipline, and forces me to not over use words. Arthritis plagues me, but I do pretty well on my good days.

  2. I definitely think you've found a powerful and beautiful way to express your thoughts, feelings and experiences through poetry. So much we are all learning through actually writing every day instead of just wondering about whether or not we should write. Thank you Natasha for your most wonderful gift of challenging us all to DO and BE what we are instead of just thinking about it. And yes, SAM, keep writing poems. As I said to J.J., I don't enjoy reading most poetry as it often feels pretentious to me, but what I read here in our exercises moves me. And I like that very much.

    1. Yes, I have a world of appreciation for Natalia starting this. Should I be saying Natasha-I feel like we have all become friends here. I feel a bit pretentious, so am so happy it isn't reading as such.


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